Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Summer Travels Begin!

Memorial Day weekend I had the great opportunity to fly home to Cincinnati, and meet up with kids back home to attend the Kirtland YSA conference. What a great experience that was. I had great company for the 5 hour drive up to Kirtland, and then I got to meet up with a family I used to babysit for. It was so weird seeing how much they have grown up. I felt SO old!! Nevertheless, it was wonderful catching up with them, and seeing where life has taken them.

At the YSA Conference the keynote speaker was Brother John Bytheway, which if you don't know is a HUGE LDS author/speaker.. Some of his books had really helped me out in High School, and so it was really neat to see him speak in person. It was a perfect weekend, with just the right amount of fun/humor/friends/spirituality.. I'm so glad I went!! One of the main things that John Bytheway was speaking about was the power of our examples. His dad was in world war II and he wasn't a member of our faith, or any religion whatsoever, but there was this guy there that was a member of our faith, and he took John's dad to church with him aboard the ship. That young man later died, but it was his example that led his dad to later joining the church. He then mentioned that while he was on his mission he was told by a recent member to go to this man's house and speak to him. So they did, and he invited them in, but was very short and abrasive with the young missionaries. Brother Bytheway gets his flip chart out and it says "why are we here?" "What is the purpose in life?" and "Where are we going when I die?" He said the guy was astonished, and his eyes filled up with tears and he said your so young, how could you know this? He said his eyes filled with tears and he went in the other room to grab a book and the front page in his handwriting said "My eternal questions" and 3 of those 4 questions were on John's flip chart. It was at that moment I realized how much I have to be thankful for in my life. I've known since I was in diapers these questions that were this man's eternal questions.

We were also very blessed to be able to attend sacrament meeting inside the Kirtland temple. It was kind of over whelming to be singing "The Spirit of God" inside the Kirtland temple where the priesthood keys were restored once more to this dispensation. How much power had been restored in the very room I was in. It was quite the experience! It put me on a high that I needed to start learning my history again. There was a girl at the conference that bore her testimony about being a member for 2 months, and she spoke about being a nonbeliever in God or in any kind of religion. She spoke about the example of someone she loved that brought her into the church. She cried and pleaded with each of us to be that example, and to live up to who we are, because we need to be those examples and to bring others unto Christ. She then spoke of the immense peace and joy and "light" that she has in her life now, and everything is so much clearer and brighter. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room!

I was touched so deeply when we went to visit the John Johnson farm. It was there that Joseph was pulled out of his bed and yanked outside that cold night and tarred and feathered. It was there that many revelations occurred. There is an incredible spirit to be felt there, and I would encourage anyone to go! I'm so grateful for all those early saints that sacrificed so much so that we could have all that we enjoy today.

Sunday night we returned to my home town of Batesville, Indiana. I was so anxious to get home and to spend time with my family. It was so hard to know I would only be home a few days, and the majority of it would be 5 hours away at a conference. I was only in my home for a day and a half; however, I had the best time with my parents. Dad has been off work due to his recent surgery, so we got to spend a lot of quality time together. Mom and I exercised together, read scriptures together, had lots of quality time together on the deck observing all the BEAUTIFUL scenery that is the backdrop of my parents yard that is so breathtaking in my opinion. It is such a nice change to go from rather brown palm trees to beautiful, luscious greenery. I LOVE the greenery!!! One of my favorite parts of home! Monday night was Adam's 22nd birthday! I got to be there for that. Grandma Benham was able to come over and join us for dinner. I had missed her so much! We had the best conversations, and we talked about anything and everything and yet it was a deep fulfilling conversation. It was hard to say goodbye to her because I just wanted to go home with her and spend some time with her. Both of us teared up when we said our goodbyes. It was a very emotional goodbye this time leaving home, and I felt like it was in part due to my recent homesickness.

I love my dear family, and I couldn't imagine my life without the blessing of them in my life. They bring so much laughter, so much joy and so much fulfillment into my life. I'm so grateful to call them my own! :)

1 comment:

Matt and Jami said...

Im so glad you got to go home (even though you were making fun of the cougar fans at the YSA conference). I have never done the tour of the historical sites like that, so Im jealous! You need to make tallahassee one of your stops during your summer travel, we have room!