Thursday, January 7, 2010

Funny things kids say...

I spend lots of time with my nieces, and I really enjoy the humor they bring to my life. Anyone who knows me at all knows that pretty much anyone in my family is a dedicated Florida State Fan (Seminoles).. It has been chilly in Florida these past couple of days, so I had to put a hoodie on Grace for school. It was a Seminoles hoodie, and around this part of Florida we are surrounded by the Florida Gator fans (which is a HUGE rival). Grace comes home from school and says "Mary Margaret says Seminoles Suck that makes me very upset. I'm going to school tomorrow and telling her she has the ugliest panties I've ever seen." haha Then Kayla chips in.. "Why would anyone want to be a Gator? They're gay!" hahaha Oh my goodness.. I'm affriad she has heard me speak of them one too many times.

Grace is also majorly into "stories" currently.. Lori (Her mommy) was laying in bed trying to get her to sleep, and she told her the classic story of the Princess kissing the frog and turning him into a prince. Grace got all excited and said it was her turn to tell the story. I'm sure she was inspired by the recent disney movie because of the way her story unfolded.. She said "The princess kissed the frog, and then she turned into a frog she said to him WHAT THE HELL did you do that for??" hahahhaha. Her Mom was quite shocked to say the least. I've got to start recording these moments because between Kayla and Grace they have me rolling.


Alana said...

That's funny. I was playing Mario on the Wii with Joshua and he said, "That bastard!" I was shocked! I have no clue where he heard that word!

Matt and Jami said...

Those stories are hilarious!! Kids are so cute!